Tuesday 9 November 2021

HGP Hair Growth in Sialkot

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan | Hair Color Shampoo

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan Hair Growth Pro HGP is a revolutionary product now available in Pakistan. It is a result of years of research, many tests, and continuous changes and modifications. Therefore research started in early 2000 over the effects of Apple polyphenols, HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan especially procynidine but B2, B3, and C1, on hair growth. Procynidines are proven to stimulate follicles for hair growth and restore follicle health and their effect on hair growth is simply amazing.

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan Further during the product development phase, because a potent mechanism was devised to inhibit DHT. A hormone considered the main cause of baldness, coming in contact with the hair follicle by forming a barrier against DHT at the follicle receptor level. Therefore is a much better way of promoting growth without side effects as it is not altering any gland to produce less DHT.
Further, Grow Pro HGP is not an oil-based paste, so it does not cause blockage of sebaceous and sweat glands, which lead to infections on the scalp. But At the same, time it moisturizes the scalp to keep a check on dandruff too.

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

HGP Hair Growth Future

  • It forms a barrier between androgen receptors at the follicle because and DHT without affecting the flow of nutrients.
  • This prevents miniaturization of a hair follicle and prolongs the anagen or growth phase of hair. 
  • It utilizes the apple polyphenols (procyanidin B2, B3, and C1) to stimulate the stem cells in the follicle to
  • The active ingredients nourish the dermal papilla to provide essential nutrients to follicle for proper growth.
  • It cleans the scalp for fungal and other minor infections and cures dandruff.
  • It conditions the hair to give a shiny and smooth appearance.

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

Healthy hair is not only because of a healthy follicle, but there are also a whole lot of other things affecting the growth and health of hair. The reasons vary from stress levels to hygiene and from nutrition to scalp condition. HGP not only protects and nourishes the follicle but also cleans and moisturizes the scalp to produce an overall effect.
To stop hair loss and treat early baldness, a two-pronged treatment strategy is needed. First, to guard your follicle against hormonal effects and make it stronger and second to treat your scalp for dandruff and other infections, and HGP does it quite effectively.

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

How It Use:

  1. Put on the gloves(otherwise, the nails will be dyed grey, although that does not affect health)
  2. Make your hair wet with both your hands
  3. Wipe off the water on the hair
  4. Pour two component bottles of "Wash for Black" by 1:1 onto your palm
  5. Mix them gently(the quantity is about twice that of a normal washing)
  6. Promptly put the shampoo on the hair and rub it until it reaches the bottom of the hairs, then rub the hair for 7-10 minutes so that the shampoo moistens the bottom of each hair.
  7. Wash the shampoo away.

HGP Hair Growth in Pakistan

HGP Hair Growth Product Price In Pakistan  Price:- 3399 /-PKR

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